Aesthetes like simple layouts that are not too graphic and very functional. News pages use this type of layout and some sophisticated games pages do too. The content must always appear to be more important than the layout although the latest techniques are used.
Strong background colours with white/light coloured text are sometimes used for games and entertainment pages using aesthetic techniques.
Backgrounds are usually either white or very pale, detail is understated: punctuation is usually correct and this style is often used on academic pages.
Often the most sophisticated and advanced software is used in a minimalist fashion; although in academic pages, effects are usually reserved for the introductory page.
Images are restrained and tone in with the general graphical layout.
Content is often factual : - Horticultural / Architectural / Cultural etc
telephone:- +44 01..... 1234567 - facsimile:- +44 01..... 2345678
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